It appears, from ongoing exploration of this subject by thousands of researchers, psychologists and psychiatrists all over the world (and massive amounts of documentation to that effect), that the premise that our awareness, the part of ourselves that is conscious of its own self-awareness, continues to move from one body to the next as we go through time. Person after person, when properly achieving a relaxed hypnotherapeutic state, have been able to open their memories beyond the boundaries of their current lifetime into times further and further into the past where they have experienced many, many prior lifetimes.

The analogy could be expressed in one way as this: just as an automobile expands our physical capabilities when we inhabit it, allowing us to travel much further and faster than we could hope to simply by foot, it appears that so too do the "body vehicles" we inhabit during our time here on earth allow us to hold things, build things, interact with others in a fashion not possible while we are a disembodied point of awareness that cannot interact with the solid matter of the universe.
Numerous clinical texts have documented not only the recollections of people's previous-life memories, but thousands have gone on to document, from historical records, cemetery records and occasionally, recollections of those still living (usually older people) who recall unique traits, intimate details or private events from the client's previous life that only those two people knew.

In any event, and whatever your interpretation of this fascinating process, many people have found that exploration of previous lifetimes has put their present one into a richer and more cohesive perspective. Some people who have had odd or uncomfortable phobias or aversions in their current life have gone back and discovered some horrendous, frightening or painful event one or several lifetimes ago that has carried on, undealt with, into this current life. The good news is that once they have discovered this, and dealt with the effects of it and contextualized the experience, they are freed of the otherwise unexplainable fear, and go on to live their lives free of its effects! And this usually takes only one session of hypnotherapy!

Learning about and recalling previous lifetime experiences is like a grander view of what we do every day in our current life..... imagine waking every morning somewhat amnesic -- having to be reminded who you are, what you do, where you work, who you know, and so on. It is only because we can accurately remember our days that have gone before that we remember, day to day, our identities and what our goals are, and plans for the future. Now imagine remembering not just the days of your current life that inform your current experience, but the many lifetimes of learning that you have already experienced, and how that might more dramatically add to the richness of the person that you continually evolve to be!

It is an option that not all people are prepared to explore, however. Dozens of conflicting religions generally tend to discount the possibilities in this knowledge, and many people shut it out simply on principle. But when they are ready to set aside the preconceptions and dogma and truly explore their personal history, a universe of self-knowledge awaits!

Typically, most people will undergo about two or three hypnotherapy sessions for this personal investigation. The first generally is an "acclimatization" session where they may experience hypnosis and discover how relaxing and freeing it is. Then they may take another one or two sessions to explore backwards through time, through their personal experience across many existences, often uncovering many significant events and details that may be impinging on their current lifetime.
All in all, each session can be quite fascinating, informative and emotionally rewarding.