(End of Life Anxiety Syndrome)
It is not too hard to understand why so many people fear: 1) growing old, and 2) death. The prospect of one's mental faculties declining through time and old age is fearful enough, but those who have never experienced a near-death experience or researched the subject more completely, find the thought of their consciousness simply ending... ping! ...and fading to nothingness somewhat terrifying.

Our current cultural milieu does not generally accept the possibility that awareness continues, irrespective of a temporary physical body. There are hundreds of religions, all fighting for the attention of people who fear death, and the premises of those religions generally conflict heavily with each other, on details both major and minor. It is impossible for them all to be right. So, when one is confronted with conflicting stories of what the "truth" is, one must do the logical thing: assume they are all wrong until proven, consensually, correct. Thousands of years ago, the Egyptians believed the sun was a god named Ra that was born each morning, travelled across the sky and died each evening. Once we acquired the knowledge and technology to to get into space and take pictures of what was actually going on, we had the factual truth... we are all riding on a big round planet that is circling the sun! No disputing, no "belief systems" to accept, no need to pray to some ethereal being to ensure the sun rises again the next day. It is simply a straightforward, mechanical effect that can be shown to anyone.

Likewise, as people have fought for thousands of years over whose religion was the "one true religion", there has been a solid body of corroborative evidence on what happens when our physical bodies expire. And no amount of denying it or refusing to believe it changes the established facts. It would be as futile as denying the earth orbits the sun, turning as it goes. (Religions DO try to suppress it, though.)

With hypnotherapy, people can, at their leisure and in the comfort of their own home or our office, open up their intrinsic memory, recalling events into their childhood, infancy, time in the womb, the time before conception, and then the lifetime prior to this current one. And, if curious, the life before that one, and the one before that. This process of recalling previous lives reassures the uncertain individual of the certainty of ongoing awareness, of continuing consciousness, that THEY, their true cosmic awareness, does not puff out like a switched-off light bulb, once the body-vehicle they currently inhabit grows too worn out to continue operating.

Some people are prepared to explore this option quite readily.... some others may need time to consider it for awhile before testing the option to explore. People who HAVE been nervous about death in their old age have found immense comfort in realizing that, irrespective of this religion or that religion's demands and rites, their awareness will go on, just as surely as the sun rises every day, irrespective of "beliefs".

Typically, most people will undergo about two or three hypnotherapy sessions for this personal investigation. The first generally is an "acclimatization" session where they may experience hypnosis and discover how relaxing and freeing it is. Then they may take another one or two sessions to explore backwards through time, realizing that there is no extinction of awareness, that we continue on, growing and learning, from lifetime to lifetime. There is nothing to fear. To paraphrase an old saying,

         "We are not physical beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a physical experience."

